Algebra Seminar
(Mon 3:30-4:30pm, Kap 265)

Organizer: Cris Negron

Topics include (but are not limited to):

Algebra, representation theory, algebraic and arithmetic geometry, homotopy theory, and mathematical physics.

Spring 2025

Date Location Speaker Abstract
Jan 13 [2-3pm!] Jennifer Brown (U Edinburgh) Skein Categories in Non-semisimple Settings

Abstract: Skein theory uses diagrammatics of braided tensor categories to build link invariants and to study moduli spaces. Many of its constructions and definitions were originally formulated for semisimple categories, but physically motivated examples are often non-semisimple. This has inspired mathematicians to update the theory to accommodate non-semisimple settings.

One of the main features in non-semisimple skein theory - admissibility conditions - is not compatible with the powerful factorization homology techniques that have found purchase in skein theory. The crux of the problem is that the tensor unit is rarely admissible, complicating many constructions.

In this talk we'll start by a introduction to skein theory, then explain the speaker's work with Benjamin Haïoun to reconcile admissibility conditions and factorization homology.
Feb 7 [FRIDAY!] Cailan Li (Academia Sinica)
Feb 10 Dylan Butson (UCLA)
Feb 17 off
Feb 24 Paolo Aluffi (FSU)
March 3 Gurbir Dhillon (UCLA)
March 10 Nathan Geer (Utah State)
March 17 spring break
March 24 [organizer may be absent]
March 31
April 7 Irit Huq-Kuruvilla (Virginia Tech)
April 14
April 21
April 28

Previous semester

Mailing list: Contact me if you want to be added to the seminar mailing list.

See our friends at the Geometry seminar (M 2:00 pm) and the Combinatorics seminar (W 2:00 pm).