Cris Negrón [img]

Office: KAP 444C, USC

I am currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Southern California, department of mathematics.

-- Mathematical interests

Quantum groups, representation theory, mathematical physics, and related topics.

-- Teaching Fall 2024

Math 430. See brightspace.

-- Algebra Seminar

Schedule here.

-- Papers and preprints

Currently supported by NSF CAREER Grant No. DMS-2239698 and Simons Collaboration Grant No. 999367.

Works ordered according to when they were written.

-- Other writings

Remark: These documents are still in development, to varying degrees. I'll probably edit them into 2026 (at least), after which point they may become some kind of book. Certainly all of the texts above are full of typos. So, I don't really need to know about those kinds of things. However, I would be happy to receive any comments concerning errors, misstatements, sections which might be confusing, historical remarks, etc. etc., all of which can be sent to me via email.

In my own estimations, Part I is in ok shape, Part III is probably serviceable, though it could use some work, and Part II is simply incomplete.

-- Travel Scheduled

Simons Center NYMarch 27-28
Cal Poly, San Luis ObispoMay 3-4
Banff, CAJuly 20-25
Can-US-Mex conference, Los AngelesJuly 28-31
Orsay Francesome time in Sept 22-Oct 19

-- Short Biography

I completed my undergrad work at the University of Virginia, then attended the University of Washington for grad school. At UW I worked under my advisor James Zhang. I did postdoc work at Louisiana State University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Hausdorff Institute at Bonn, and the Mathematical Science Research Institute at Berkeley. I was previously an assistant professor at the University of North Carolina (2019-2021).